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Types of Homicide: Murder, Manslaughter, and Justifiable Homicide

Some General Facts About Homicide Charges in California? In almost every state, murder refers to any action that ends with you taking another person’s life and is clearly defined in the California Legislature. Additionally, practically every state (including California) has its classifications for homicide, which fall under murder, manslaughter, and justifiable homicide. You must note,

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man being arrested for a DUI late a night by a police officer

A Felony DUI: How It Impacts Your Life

Millions of drivers each year are arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In fact, in California, driving under the influence is charged as a felony crime. Here’s a look at what to expect after a DUI arrest: Revoked Driving Privileges Even first-time offenses of a DUI result in a loss of

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Criminal lawyer standing in front of jury arguing client's defense

How to Go About the Process of Hiring a Criminal Lawyer

The attorney you’re looking for is probably not the one who handled your tax issues or gave you a hand in getting a house. Neither is he the lawyer that helped your friend when they were involved in some accident. You need a professional criminal lawyer, who has some level of expertise, particularly in criminal

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How to Get An Arrest Off of Your Record in California

When a person gets arrested, there is an entry on their criminal record, also known as a “rap sheet”. The entry will list the date of the arrest, the location of the incident, and the code section that was reported to have been violated, such as Penal Code section 459 (a Burglary in California). If

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How Could You Defend Someone You Know Is Guilty?!

Another common question for San Diego criminal defense attorneys is, “How can you defend someone if you know they’re guilty?” Well, when a person is charged, or under investigation, they are #NOTGUILTY. Under the law, you are not guilty of any crime unless or until 1. You decide to plead guilty, or 2. You are

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Is having someone invade your personal space a battery defense?

Is Having Someone Invade Your Personal Space a Battery Defense?

Let’s consider a case in which a person walks up to another, “getting into their face”. The second person punches the first, claiming they invaded their “personal space”. Is that a battery defense for the charge against battery? California Law California law does not admit to violations of personal space as a defense for battery

What Types of Plea Can be Made in a Criminal Case?

What Types of Pleas Can Be Made in a Criminal Case?

In California, there are three basic types of pleas used in criminal cases. Guilty Pleading guilty will result in a conviction. The defendant will not have a trial and the judge will sentence them. Hold a sentencing hearing for both the prosecution and defense to present their case regarding punishment. The defendant who pleads guilty

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Felony vs. Misdemeanor Crimes: What’s the Difference?

In most jurisdictions throughout the U.S., crimes are divided into different categories based on the seriousness of the crime. Indeed, the three major categories include infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Infractions are the least serious of crimes. Misdemeanors and felonies are another story. What’s the difference between these two types of crimes, and what does it

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