Comprehensive Guide to California Criminal Laws A-to-Z

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  • Abandoning an Appliance Without Removing its Door
  • Abducting a Minor for Prostitution
  • Abortion laws in California
  • Accessory After the Fact
  • Accessory Before the Fact
  • Accessory to Murder
  • Administering Drugs to Commit Felony
  • Aggravated Arson
  • Aggravated Assault
  • Aggravated Kidnapping
  • Aggravated Mayhem
  • Aggravated Sexual Assault of a Child
  • Aggravated Trespass
  • Aggravated Felony Trespass
  • Aiding & Abetting
  • Aiding a Suicide
  • Air Gauge Knives
  • Air Pollution Crimes
  • Alcoholic Beverages at a Public Education Facility
  • Alcohol Sales After Permitted Hours
  • Altering a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
  • Ammunition Possession by a Person Prohibited
  • Animal Abuse
  • Annoying or Molesting a Child under 18
  • Annoying Phone Calls
  • Appropriation or Theft of Lost Property
  • Arbuckle Waiver
  • Armor-Piercing Ammunition
  • Arson
  • Asbestos Work Without Certification
  • Assault
  • Assault by Means Likely to Produce Great Bodily Injury
  • Assault on a Police Officer
  • Assault on a School Employee
  • Assault with Caustic Chemicals
  • Assault with a Deadly Weapon
  • Assault with a Firearm
  • Assault with Intent to Commit a Felony
  • Assault with a Stun Gun
  • Attack Dogs (Owning)
  • Attempted Crimes
  • Attempted Murder
  • Attempted Vehicular Manslaughter
  • Auto Burglary
  • Auto Theft with a Prior
  • Automotive Property Theft for Resale


  • Bad Checks
  • Ballistic Knives
  • Baton (Possession of)
  • Battery
  • Battery on a Custodial Officer
  • Battery on a Peace Officer
  • Battery on a School Employee
  • Battery with Serious Bodily Injury
  • Belt Buckle Knives (Possession of)
  • Blackmail
  • Boating Under the Influence
  • Bookmaking/Pool-Selling/Wagering
  • Brandishing an Imitation Firearm
  • Brandishing a Weapon or Firearm
  • Brass Knuckles
  • Breaking and Entering
  • Bribery
    • Bribery of Legislators or Elected Officials
    • Bribery by Legislators or Elected Officials
    • Bribery of County Supervisors or Public Corporations
    • Bribery of Executive Officers or Public Employees
    • Bribery by Executive Officers or Public Employees
    • Bribery of Judges or Jurors
    • Bribes Taken by Judges or Jurors
    • Bribery of Witnesses
    • Bribery – Witness Taking a Bribe
    • Commercial Bribery
  • Bringing Alcohol into a Jail or Prison
  • Bringing Contraband into a Jail or Prison
  • Bringing Drugs into a Jail or Prison
  • Bullets Containing an Explosive Agent
  • Bump Stocks
  • Burglary
    • Burglary Tools
    • Burglary of a Safe or Vault / Burglary with Explosives
  • Buying or Possessing Vehicles with Altered VIN Numbers


  • California Invasion of Privacy Act
  • Cane Swords
  • Car Seat Law in California
  • Carjacking
  • Carrying a Concealed Weapon
  • Carrying a Loaded Firearm
  • Castle Doctrine
  • CDCR Form 115 Discipline
  • Certificate of Rehabilitation
  • Changing a Gun’s Identifying Information
  • Child Abduction / Child Stealing
  • Child Abuse
  • Child Endangerment
  • Child Molestation
  • Child Neglect (Failure to Provide Care)
  • Child Pornography
  • Child Human Trafficking
  • Chop Shop (Operating or Owning)
  • Citizen’s Arrests
  • Civil Compromise
  • Cockfighting
  • Commercial Vehicle Failure to Comply with CHP Rules
  • Communication with an Inmate
  • Compounding a Crime
  • Concealing an Accidental Death
  • Concealing Drugs in a False Compartment
  • Conspiracy
  • Conspiracy to Commit Murder
  • Contacting a Minor to Commit a Felony
  • Contempt of Court
  • Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child
  • Contracting Without a License
  • Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor
  • Corporal Injury
  • Counterfeit ID Cards
  • Counterfeit Items – Possession of
  • Counterfeit Money (Possession of)
  • Counterfeit Prescription Blanks
  • Counterfeiting Credit Cards
  • Creating or Maintaining a Public Nuisance
  • Credit Card Theft
  • Criminal Negligence
  • Criminal Profiteering
  • Criminal Storage of a Firearm
  • Criminal Threats
  • Cruz Waiver
  • Cyberstalking
  • Cycling Under the Influence


  • Damaging Communication Device With Intent to Prevent Help
  • Damaging Jail or Prison Property
  • Damaging Phone, Electrical or Utility Lines
  • Damaging Railroad Tracks
  • Deceptive Identification Documents
  • Defacing a Tear Gas Weapon
  • Deferred Entry of Judgment
  • Defrauding an Innkeeper
  • Deprivation of Child Custody or Right to Visitation
  • Destroy Arrest Records
  • Destructive Devices
  • Destroying or Concealing Evidence
  • Difference Between Attorney and Lawyer
  • Dirk and dagger
  • Dirk or dagger – conceal carry
  • Disability Placard Forgery
  • Disability Placard Misuse
  • Disobeying a Police Officer
  • Disobeying Traffic Signs and Signals
  • Disorderly Conduct
  • Dissuading a Witness or Victim
  • Disturbing a Meeting
  • Disturbing a Religious Meeting
  • Disturbing the Peace
  • Disturbing the Peace at Schools
  • DMV Investigations
  • Dogfighting
  • Domestic Violence
  • Drinking Alcohol in a Motor Vehicle
  • (Drive-by) Shooting from a Motor Vehicle
  • Driving on a Suspended License
  • Driving on a Suspended License After a DUI
  • Driving on a Suspended License Because of Chemical Test Refusal
  • Driving on a Suspended License Causing Injury
  • Driving on the Wrong Side of the Road
  • Driving Too Slowly, Not on the Right
  • Driving Without a License
  • Drug Crimes
    • Benzodiazepines
    • Cocaine
    • Codeine
    • Doctor Shopping
    • DUI of Drugs
    • Ecstasy
    • GHB
    • Heroin
    • Hydrocodone
    • Ketamine
    • Manufacturing Drugs / Narcotics / Controlled Substances
    • Methamphetamine (Possession)
    • Methamphetamine (Possession for Sale)
    • Methamphetamine (Sale or Transportation)
    • Meth Labs
    • Paraphernalia
    • PCP
    • Possession
    • Possession of a Controlled Substance While Armed
    • Possession of Drugs Without a Prescription
    • Possession for Sales
    • Prescribing a Controlled Substance Without Treatment
    • Sales/Transportation
    • Sales of Imitation Controlled Substances
    • Sales of Synthetic Drugs
    • Under the Influence of Drugs
    • Vicodin
  • Drug Diversion (Penal Code 1000)
  • Drunk in Public / Public Intoxication
  • DUI
    • First Time DUI
    • Second Time DUI
    • Third Time DUI
    • Driving While Addicted to a Drug
    • Underage DUI with a BAC of 0.05 or Above
    • Underage DUI (Zero Tolerance Law)
    • DUI by Ride-Sharing Driver
  • DUI of Drugs
  • Duplication of Key to State Building


  • Eavesdropping
  • Elder Abuse
  • Embezzlement
  • Embezzlement by a Public Officer
  • Employment Law A to Z
  • Employment of minor in sale or distribution of obscene matter or production of pornography
  • Escape from Custody
  • Escape from State Prison
  • Evading a Peace Officer
    • Evading an Officer Causing Injury or Death
    • Felony Reckless Evading
    • Evading by Driving in Opposite Direction of Traffic
  • Evidence Planting or Tampering
  • Excessive Prescribing of Drugs
  • Explosives (Making, Possessing or Transporting)
  • Expungements
    • Benefits of an Expungement
    • DUI Expungements
    • Early Termination of Probation
    • Governor’s Pardons
    • Reduce a Felony to a Misdemeanor
    • Seal Juvenile Records
    • Destroy Arrest Records
    • Certificates of Rehabilitation
    • Expungement of Infractions and Non-probation Misdemeanors
  • Extortion
  • Extortion by a Fake Court Order
  • Extortion by Posing as a Kidnapper
  • Extortion by Threatening Letter
  • Extortion of a Signature


  • Failing to Control a Dangerous Animal
  • Failure to Appear in Court
  • Failure to Appear after Written Promise to Appear
  • Failure to Appear on an Infraction
  • Failure to Appear on a Traffic Ticket (Vehicle Code 40508)
  • Failure to Disperse at a Public Disturbance
  • Failure to Disperse at a Riot
  • Failure to Present a Driver’s License
  • Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
  • Failure to Report by a Pawnbroker
  • Failure to Stop and Submit to Inspection
  • Failure to Supervise a Child’s School Attendance
  • Fake Court Orders
  • Fake Government-issued IDs – possessing, making, selling
  • Fake IDs
  • Fake ID (Possession by a Minor)
  • False Advertising
  • False Imprisonment
  • False Imprisonment (Penalties)
  • False Imprisonment of a Hostage to Avoid Arrest
  • False Information to a Peace Officer
  • False Personation
  • False Pretenses
  • False Pricing of a Commodity
  • False Reports of Vehicle Theft
  • False Representation of Identity to a Police Officer
  • False Statements to the DMV or CHP
  • False Statements to Obtain a Drug
  • Falsely Reporting a Crime or Criminal Matter
  • Falsely Reporting a Fire (or Triggering a False Fire Alarm)
  • Falsely Reporting an Emergency
  • Faretta Motion and Hearing
  • Federal Crimes
  • Felon with a Firearm
  • Felony Speeding
  • Firearm Offenses
    • 10-20-Life
    • Assault Weapons
    • Assault Weapon Possession
    • BB Gun Laws
    • Brandishing a Weapon or Firearm
    • Brandishing and Causing Serious Bodily Injury
    • California’s Gun-Free School Zone Act
    • Cane Guns
    • Carrying a Loaded Firearm
    • Carrying a Concealed Weapon
    • Felon with a Firearm
    • Gun Storage Laws
    • How to Get a CCW Permit
    • Imitation Firearms
    • Large Capacity Magazines
    • Manufacture, Sale or Possession of Dangerous Weapons
    • Moving to California with Guns
    • Open Carry Laws
    • Possession by Juvenile Ward
    • Possession of a .50 BMG Rifle
    • Possession of Firearm in Violation of Court Order
    • Relinquishment of Firearms by Convicted Persons
    • Personal Use of a Firearm – Sentencing Enhancement
    • Short-Barreled Rifles & Shotguns
    • Transferring Firearms Between Family Members in California
    • Unlicensed Sale of Firearms in California
  • Fireworks Laws
  • Forcible Acts of Sexual Penetration with a Foreign Object
  • Forgery
  • Forging Credit Card Information
  • Forging or Altering a Prescription
  • Forging a Prescription for a Narcotic Drug
  • Franklin Hearing
  • Fraud
    • Asset Forfeiture
    • Auto Insurance Fraud
    • Auto Insurance Fraud – False Claim of Damage or Theft
    • Check Fraud
    • Contractor’s License Fraud
    • Credit Card Fraud
    • Elder Abuse
    • False Impersonation
    • Fraudulent Conveyance
    • Fraudulent Conveyance by a Judgment Debtor
    • Fraudulent Conveyance (Participating in)
    • Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card
    • Fraudulent Vehicle Registration Stickers
    • Gambling Fraud
    • Health Care Fraud
    • Identity Theft
    • Internet Fraud
    • Mail Fraud
    • Medi-Cal Fraud
    • Phantom Help
    • Prescription Fraud
    • Real Estate & Mortgage Fraud
    • Securities Fraud
    • Senior Fraud
    • Telemarketing Fraud
    • Unemployment Insurance Fraud (UIC 2101)
    • Welfare Fraud
    • Wire Fraud
    • Workers Compensation Fraud
  • Furnishing Dangerous Fireworks to Minors
  • Furnishing or Selling Alcohol to Minors


  • Gaming
  • Gang Enhancements
  • Good Samaritan Law
  • Grand Theft
  • Grand Theft Auto
  • Grand Theft Auto Definition
  • Grand Theft of a Firearm
  • Grand Theft Person
  • Great Bodily Injury
  • Gross Vehicular Manslaughter


  • Habitual Sexual Offenders
  • Habitual Traffic Offenders
  • Handicapped Placard Misuse
  • Hate Crimes
  • Hazing
  • Hit & Run
    • Misdemeanor Hit & Run (Property Damage)
    • Felony Hit & Run (Injuries to others)
  • Homicide Laws
  • Human Trafficking


  • Ignition Interlock Device Violations
  • Immigration Laws A to Z
  • Imperfect self-defense (Flannel)
  • Impersonating a Peace Officer
  • Incest
  • Inciting a Riot
  • Indecent Exposure
  • Intentional Transmission of HIV or AIDS
  • Interfering with a Traffic Control Device
  • Internal Affairs Investigation
  • Internet Copyright Infringement
  • Invasion of Privacy
  • Involuntary Manslaughter


  • Jaywalking
  • Juvenile Crimes


  • Keeping a Brothel
  • Kidnapping
  • Kidnapping a Child Under 14
  • Kidnapping During the Commission of a Carjacking
  • Kidnapping for Ransom or to Commit Another Crime
  • Knife Laws


  • Lane Straddling
  • Large Capacity Magazines
  • Laser Scope (Aiming or Pointing)
  • Leaving an Animal Unattended in a Vehicle
  • Lewd Acts by a Caretaker on a Dependent Person
  • Lewd Acts with a Minor
    • Arranging a Meeting with a Minor for Lewd Purposes
  • Lewd Acts with a Minor Inflicting Bodily Harm
  • Lewd Acts with a Child – Force or Fear
  • Lewd Conduct in Public
  • Lewdness or Intoxication in the Presence of a Child
  • Lipstick Case Knives
  • Loitering
  • Loitering at a School
  • Loitering with Intent to Commit Prostitution
  • Loitering to Solicit the Purchase of Alcohol
  • Looting
  • Lying in wait (murder)


  • Mail Theft
  • Maintaining a Public Nuisance After Abatement Notice
  • Malicious Mischief to a Vehicle
  • Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Child Neglect
  • Manufacture or Sale of Counterfeit Marks
  • Mayhem
  • Marijuana
    • Concentrated Cannabis
    • Cultivation
    • DUI Marijuana in California
    • Marijuana on School Grounds
    • Medical Marijuana
    • Medical Marijuana Card
    • Possession
    • Possession for Sale
    • Possession While Driving
    • Primary Caregivers
    • Sale
    • Selling or Giving Marijuana to a Minor
  • Mental Health Diversion
  • Methamphetamine Laws
  • Military Diversion
  • Minor in Possession of Alcohol
  • Misappropriation of Public Funds
  • Misdemeanor Manslaughter
  • Misdemeanor Penalties
  • Mislabeling of Food
  • Misrepresentation of Charges
  • Misusing 911
  • Misusing 911 with harass
  • Money Laundering
  • Money Laundering in Drug Cases
  • Murder
    • Attempted Murder
    • DUI Murder
    • Involuntary Manslaughter
    • Voluntary Manslaughter


  • Negligent Discharge of a Firearm
  • Negligent Homicide
  • Negligent Homicide Sentence
  • Nursing Home Abuse


  • Obstructing a Public Business Establishment
  • Obstruction of Justice
  • Offering False Evidence
  • Open Container Laws
  • Operating a Drug House
  • Oral Copulation by Force or Fear
  • Oral Copulation of a Minor
  • Organized Retail Theft
  • Overweight Vehicles


  • Pandering
  • Panhandling
  • Pardons (by the Governor)
  • Pedestrians Outside Crosswalks
  • Peeking while Loitering / Unlawful Peeking
  • “Peeping Tom” Laws
  • Perjury
  • Permitting a Minor in a Place Where Alcohol is Consumed
  • Personal Injury
  • Pet Insurance Fraud
  • Petit Treason Abolished
  • Petitions for Resentencing SC 1437
  • Petty Theft
  • Petty Theft Defined
  • Petty Theft with a Prior
  • Picketing Outside a Courthouse
  • Pimping
  • Pointing a Laser at an Aircraft
  • Poisoning Animals
  • Poisoning Food, Medicine or Water
  • Police Officers Issuing False Reports
  • Polygraph Law
  • Possession of Explosives With Intent to Injure
  • Possession of Alcohol in a Vehicle by a Person under 21
  • Possession of Controlled Substances in Prison or Jail
  • Possession of a Deadly Weapon with Intent to Assault
  • Possession of Destructive Device Materials
  • Possession of Destructive Device with Malicious or Reckless Intent
  • Possession of Materials for Manufacturing Controlled Substances
  • Possession of a Weapon at an Airport
  • Possession of / Under the Influence of Nitrous Oxide
  • Prefile Investigations
  • Posting Harmful Information on the Internet
  • Preparing False Evidence
  • Prescribing Controlled Substances to an Addict
  • Presence During Unlawful Controlled Substance Use
  • Preventive Detention Hearings
  • Price Gouging
  • Probation
  • Probation Violation Hearings
  • Production, Distribution, or Exhibition of Obscene Matter
  • Property Crime Enhancements
  • Prostitution
  • Providing Alcohol to Minor with Vehicle Accident
  • Prowling
  • Publishing Credit Card, Access Card


  • Quarantine Orders (Violation of)
  • Queen for a Day


  • Rape
    • Oral Copulation by Force
    • Rape in Concert (Gang Rape)
    • Sexual Battery
    • Spousal Rape
    • Statutory Rape
  • Receiving Stolen Property
  • Receiving Stolen Vehicle
  • Reckless Burning
  • Reckless Driving
  • Reckless Driving Causing Injury
  • Reckless Driving Causing Specific Serious Injury
  • Red Flag Law
  • Relinquishing a Motor Vehicle to a Minor
  • Rescuing a Prisoner
  • Resisting an Executive Officer (PC 69)
  • Resisting Arrest
  • Restricted License Violations
  • Retailer Credit Card Fraud
  • Road Rage
  • Revenge Porn/Nonconsensual Pornography
  • Right-Hand Lane Violations
  • Robbery
  • Romeo and Juliet Law in California
  • Rioting


  • Second-Degree Murder
  • Selling a False Quantity
  • Service Dog Fraud
  • Sex with an Inmate
  • Sexting Laws
  • Sexual Acts with a Child Under 10
  • Sexual Battery
  • Sex Offender Residency Restrictions
  • Shining Light at Aircraft to Interfere with Operations
  • Shobi-Zue Knives
  • Shooting at an Inhabited Dwelling or Occupied Car
  • Shooting at an Unoccupied Aircraft
  • Shooting at an Unoccupied Vehicle, Building or Dwelling
  • Shoplifting
  • Shurikens
  • Sightseeing at the Scene of an Emergency
  • Silencer (Possession of)
  • Sodomy
  • Solicitation for Prostitution
  • Solicitation of a Minor
  • Soliciting Laws in California
  • Soliciting the Sale of Alcohol
  • Soliciting Someone to Commit a Crime
  • Speeding more than 55 mph on 2 lane undivided highways
  • Squatting
  • Stalking
  • Statutory Rape
  • STD Laws
  • Street Racing
  • Stun Gun Laws
  • Supervising or Aiding a Prostitute
  • Switchblades
  • Switchblade Defintion
  • Synthetic Cannabis
  • Synthetic Stimulants


  • Taking an Officer’s Firearm
  • Tampering with a Motor Vehicle
  • Tampering with the Vehicle of a Disabled Person
  • Tattooing a Minor
  • Tear Gas (Unlawful Use of)
  • Theft
    • Grand Theft
    • Petty Theft
    • Petty Theft with a Prior
  • Threatening Public Officials
  • Threatening Public Officers/Employees and School Officers/Employees
  • Three Strikes Law
  • Throwing Objects at a Motor Vehicle
  • Torture
  • Trade Secret Theft
  • Train Robbery
  • Train Wrecking
  • Transportation of a Controlled Substance
  • Treason
  • Trespassing
  • Trespassing on Posted Property
  • Truancy Laws


  • Unauthorized Access to a Computer
  • Unauthorized Entry into a Closed Emergency Area
  • Unauthorized Practice of Law
  • Unauthorized Practice of Medicine
  • Unlawful Assembly
  • Unlawful Bringing of Firearms in Jail/Prison
  • Unlawful Deprivation of a Retail Business Opportunity
  • Unlawful Entry of a Vehicle
  • Unlawful Referral to an Auto Repair Dealer
  • Unlawful Tethering of a Dog
  • Unlawful Taking of a Bike or Vessel
  • Unlawful Taking of a Vehicle
  • Unlawful Use of a Drivers License


  • Vandalism
  • Vandalism of a place of worship
  • Vehicle Identification Numbers (Altering, Changing or Destroying)
  • Vehicle Identification Number (Illegal Possession or Sale of)
  • Vehicle Registration Fraud
  • Vehicular Manslaughter
    • Gross Vehicular Manslaughter While Intoxicated
    • Vehicular Manslaughter While Intoxicated
  • Veterans Court
  • Veterans With PTSD (criminal defense of)
  • Violating a Restraining Order
  • Violent Offenses
  • Voluntary Manslaughter


  • Wallet Guns
  • Warrants
  • Waste Dumping
  • Weapons in Penal Institution
  • Weapons in Public Buildings and Meetings
  • Weapons in Public Transit Facilities
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Weapons on School Grounds
  • Wearing a Mask or Disguise to Evade Police
  • White Collar Crimes Sentencing Enhancement
  • Willful Exposure to Infectious Disease
  • Window Tinting
  • Wiretapping
  • Workplace Harassment
  • Writing Pen Knives
  • Writ of Coram Nobis




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